Infamous 2 evil end
Infamous 2 evil end

The Militia's goal is to keep anything mutated or with superpowers out of the city which unfortunately includes Cole. However, the city has been taken over by the Militia, who are controlled by an influential industrialist, while the city is being rampaged by beings known as the corrupted who became mutated by the leader of the Militia. New Marais was the location for the construction of the Ray Sphere and where Cole believes he will find more answers to the events of the first game. The game follows the adventure of Cole once again as he escapes to the city of New Marais after the events of the first game to prepare himself for the eventual battle with "The Beast" (a powerful being that obliterated Empire City and much of the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S).

  • Infamous 2 is the second game in the series, released in June 2011 as a followup to the first game's story, taking place a month afterward.
  • infamous 2 evil end

    The game ends when Kessler dies and Cole proclaims, "When the time comes, I will be ready." He had set the events of the game into motion by ordering the construction of the Ray Sphere as well as passing it to Cole for him to cause the explosion.

    infamous 2 evil end

    Kessler reveals his motive for the events throughout the game telling Cole that he was preparing Cole for an eventual battle against an entity known as "The Beast" who had destroyed Kessler's world. Kessler duels Cole in a battle to the death and it is eventually revealed after Kessler is mortally wounded that he is in reality a version of Cole from the future of an alternate timeline. Regardless of the choice, Cole will eventually come face to face with Kessler, the leader of The First Sons, the organized crime group in the city who had seized control of the city after the quarantine. Cole eventually obtains the Ray Sphere and the player is given the choice to either destroy it or use it. The game follows Cole's journey to obtain the Ray Sphere in order to escape from the quarantine as part of a deal he made with an FBI agent during his failed escape attempt at the start of the game. After the explosion, the city was quarantined by the government causing organized crime groups within the city to seize control of Empire City from the local authorities. The Ray Sphere is an object of great power as it is able to consume the energy of the people around the user and transfer that energy to the user, making him immensely powerful at the cost of thousands of lives. Set in 2009, The game explains the origins of Cole MacGrath, a bike courier, who gained his electrical-based superpowers after surviving a large explosion in Empire City caused by the package he was carrying containing the Ray Sphere. Infamous is the first game in the series, released in 2009 to positive reviews by the gaming press.The game also uses a Karma meter which changes based on the main character's actions throughout the game and determines whether he eventually becomes a good or evil character. The choice allows the player to have a different mixture of abilities, as both good and evil have their own set of powers. The player is able to control the course of the game by having Cole and Delsin use their powers for good or evil. Morality, or Karma, is a major factor in the gameplay and storyline. Their powers come from a gauge which depletes whenever they uses various attacks, and refills when they absorb electricity or smoke, neon, video and concrete from nearby objects or bodies, such as street lights, nearby smoke sources,(such as vents or burning cars) or neon lights or video appliances or bodies of the DUP.

    infamous 2 evil end

    Cole, Delsin, and Fetch can use their parkour skills to jump and climb buildings throughout the city, along with their powers to help them fight enemies. In the first two games and the spin-offs, the player controls Cole MacGrath, later in the third game as Delsin Rowe and Abigail "Fetch" Walker, as they freely roam around the city, fighting crime or creating havoc along the way. It features American government agencies such as the FBI, NSA and DARPA, along with agencies fabricated for the series, such as the DUP (Department of Unified Protection), an agency with the sole purpose of stopping conduits, now labeled "bio-terrorists", from causing mass destruction similar to what was caused by Cole MacGrath. is occasionally mentioned, and Infamous Second Son takes place in Seattle.


    The series takes place in the present-day United States with real and alternate versions of real cities such as the setting of Infamous, Empire City, which resembles New York City and the setting of Infamous 2, New Marais, which resembles New Orleans ( Infamous: Festival of Blood also takes place in this city).

    Infamous 2 evil end